Saturday, 1 December 2012

Eating Disorder in Muslim world? Are you kidding me!

There are certain schools of thought in our society, where eating disorder is seen as a way of life, and something that needs to be accepted and respected. Certain websites and forums are out there campaigning for the rights of anorexics and to erase the negative stigma that is attached to its followers.  The web traffic increases on such websites, as more people become fixated on certain form of body image, and are in desperate need to find justification for their actions.

Islamic body of law has not dealt with many cases of Eating Disorders. In Muslim culture people struggle to come to terms with this level of illness, as it becomes difficult to rationalize and understand whether it’s self afflicted or psychological. Opinions are clearly divided between all four major schools of thought on whether anorexia bulimia is self afflicted or a form of illness that acquires effective treatment under medical supervision. We don’t have the statistics that can provide us with accurate figures for those who suffer from Eating Disorders in Muslim countries. The treatment options are very limited and at times only available to a narrow and affluent faction of society.

In cosmopolis Dubai number of  clinics that deal with eating disorders such as,  Lifeworks Counselling and development have sprung up in last few years.  At Lifeworks Counselling and development centre in Dubai , cost of individual counselling session is 600DHS.

According to BUPA UK:
The time it takes to recover from anorexia varies greatly. It takes an average of five to six years after you have been diagnosed to recover. On the other hand, anorexia can last for a much shorter period of time, sometimes for only a few months.

It's important that you seek help for anorexia as early as possible. This is because the sooner you get help, the better your chances of recovery are. Recovering from an eating disorder can be a difficult process, but it can be done.

well at the rate of 600DHS per session, its only rich and affluent who can afford such treatment options. Malaysia and its media are also trying to raise awareness of effects of eating Disorder on their society. In Pakistan's capital city Islamabad, one of the treatment options available at PIMS hospital is Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), formerly known as electric shock therapy to get reluctant anorexics to start eating again.

Egypt is also hit by this epidemic. According to Arab times online: Almost 60 percent of people in Kuwait are overweight, obese. Furthermore, according to CNN, Kuwait is a fattest nation on the earth.

The global launch of fast food companies in Middle East was seen as something of a novelty before. Whohoo we have Mikkie D, whohoo Wagamama is here, hmm not to forget Dunkin donuts, Hersheys, lets say all global fast food market is here in Middle East.  Now years later, many countries are enjoying the numerous health benefits that come with fast foods. According to CNN: Kuwait's neighbors also appear in the top 10, with Qatar coming in 4th, the United Arab Emirates 6th, and Bahrain 10th on the table. So how are Kuwaiti dealing with obesity? 

According to CNN:

Stomach stapling procedures are becoming increasingly popular in Kuwait, with enough demand to prompt the country's first conference for medical professionals involved in weight loss surgery last year.

According to Saudi gazette, Students encouraged to snack on dates and milk. Why?

Fast food has invaded the Kingdom’s traditional cuisine in not only lunches and dinners, but also breakfast; an important meal which is now comprised of junk food like fries, burgers, fried chicken sandwiches, soda, and so on, instead of a nutritious diet. In order to re-inculcate healthy eating habits amongst children, Abu Jafar Al-Madani School (AJAMS) in Al-Baha is serving dates and milk to their students every morning.

Eating disorders are already costing UK tax payers £1billion a year. According to South Carolina Mental department of health that 8 million Americans have an eating disorder – seven million women and one million men.

According to their statistics:

  • Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness

  • A study by the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders reported that 5 – 10% of anorexics die within 10 years after contracting the disease; 18-20% of anorexics will be dead after 20 years and only 30 – 40% ever fully recover

  • The mortality rate associated with anorexia nervosa is 12 times higher than the death rate of ALL causes of death for females 15 – 24 years old.

  • 20% of people suffering from anorexia will prematurely die from complications related to their eating disorder, including suicide and heart problems.

Eating disorder is a new prevailing global epidemic just like HIV/AIDS. But sadly when it comes to effective treatment strategies, we in Muslim world clearly lag behind West.

The Prophet Muhammad (saw) says: "Seek medical treatment, for God has not created an illness without creating a cure for it."

Islam has provided necessary guidelines for overall health and well-being. Qur’an deals with obesity, overeating and for striking a balance in our diet.Food in Islam is seen as a blessing and Quran mentions numerous foods such as dates, figs, milk, pomegranates, olives etc for healing properties and health benefits.
Allah (SWT) says in the Holy Qur'an: "O you who believe, do not forbid the good things which Allah has made lawful for you and do not exceed limits. Surely Allah does not love those who exceeds the limits." (5:90).

It is about time that Muslim countries step up, create awareness and recognize this illness for its destructiveness and offer treatment options that are available to all.


  1. Eating disorders are present in the Muslim world and people are aware of the problem. I do agree that awareness is very much needed but I live in Kuwait and have anorexia and I also know a lot of people who have eating disordets over here. There are places for people to get help here. Maybe not residential treatment facilities but there are private therapists and also the government provides mental AND medical help for free. It is taken care of. I'm not kidding you :)

  2. Dear Aisha,

    Thank you for visitng my blog and thank you so much for your comments and useful info on treatment options available in Kuwait:)

    Stay Blessed. xxxx
