Saturday, 1 December 2012

Anorexia Bulimia Nervosa Electrolyte Balance

My Rescue Baby- Papaya, Banana and Cantaloupe

One of the Curses of Anorexia Nervosa is depleted levels of potassium in your body due to excessive vomiting, miss use of enemas or laxatives. I remember last year my potassium levels dropped to 1.6, which put me at an increased risk of all sort of health problems, mainly failed kidneys, heart and etc.

On a cold Sunday evening I was upstairs in my room shivering uncontrollably , while downstairs an evening soiree with dozens of guests was in full swing.

It was at this time that a Papaya, cantaloupe and banana smoothie came to my rescue giving me whooping 1748mgof potassium. Please do consult a dietitian or doctor. This is something I used. But but but let me tell you how good this recipe is for your skin and your beauty. I drank this smoothie continuously for 2 weeks and I noticed after few days that my skin had become clearer and more radiant, my dark circles diminished and my skin lost its anorexic dryness.

Also in Islam, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that  "Whenever you eat fruit, eat melon, because it is the fruit of Paradise and contains thousands of blessings and a thousand mercies." I thank God, because indeed this smoothie did come with thousand healing blessings.


1 Papaya diced

1 small banana

1 cup of cantaloupe or melon

1/4 cup ice

1/2 cup water or milk


Add 1/2 cup water or milk to juicer and add papaya, banana, cantaloupe or melon and blitz. One of the smoothie is smooth add ice and blitz it for further 30 seconds. Enjoy!

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