Monday, 7 October 2013

Three Reasons You Feel Compelled to Binge

Three Reasons You Feel Compelled to Binge

By Richard Kerr- Bulimia Help Method

What’s the difference between a bulimic and a non-bulimic?

Well, obviously one binges and purges and the other doesn't, right?

Would mean that you are NOT a bulimic ‘in-between’ bingeing and purging?

Do you FEEL like a non-bulimic in between binges?

For many the answer is certainly no.

So what’s the real difference?

The difference is: A NON-BULIMIC no longer CRAVES, DESIRES or WANTS to binge.
IN FACT A NON BULIMIC is completely FREE from the URGE to binge.

Another way of saying it is:


So why do we have an URGE to binge?
That’s the big question!

Once we understand why we have an URGE to binge, then we can do something about it.

Once we understand a problem, it’s much easier to overcome it.

So, pay attention here… 

Below are the three types of binge urges (try to remember them; they play a big part in your recovery).

3 types of binge urges:

1. Physical deprivation

This is brought about by restricting your food intake. When your body is lacking certain nutrients you will feel the urge to binge as a result. Your body has to restore what has been lost.

It is important to note that even though you may be binging on large amounts of food, due to purging your body may still be starving nutritionally.

2. Emotional discomfort

This is binging to control or numb unpleasant moods or feelings. An example of an emotional binge would either chronic (a family member is ill) or acute (you failed an exam). Your body is cranking out adrenaline and cortisol. Cortisol increases your appetite for fatty and sugary foods. So, if you are depressed, your body will also use the food as a way to temporarily increase endorphins in your brain.

3. Mental deprivation

This is a result of avoiding certain foods, these may be the foods you really want to eat. An example of a mental deprivation would be feeling like you are denying yourself foods that you are craving, even though your diet may be 100% healthy.

In summary you could say:

To remove the binge URGE we need to stop restricting our food intake, stop depriving ourselves of food we enjoy and learn to feel emotions without panicking and bingeing. 

That’s it in a nutshell… the secret to recovery!

Ok, so now we know the three types of binges

Once we eliminate these three reasons we will no longer crave, desire or want to binge.

If we don’t binge we won’t purge. 

If we don't binge and purge, we stop being bulimic. 


Task for today

Whenever you feel the urge to binge, ask yourself:

Is it a physical binge urge?

Is it a mental binge urge?

Is it an emotional binge urge?

Perhaps its a combination of all three.

This may be difficult starting out, but in time, with practise you will be able to distinguish between the different types of binge urges.  


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