The Number 1 Reason You Have Bulimia
By Brilliant Richard Kerr-
I really like self-help methods by Bulimia Help. Richard Kerr and His team are fabulous in their approach to help those who suffer from Bulimia. If you suffer from an eating disorder, then please do check out his community.
Why do you have bulimia?
I’m sure you’ve heard the usual explanation,
“Biological, environmental and psychological
factors are associated with the development
of bulimia nervosa.”
But what if your bulimia was not the result of
a genetic predisposition?
What if it had nothing to do with your childhood,
your personality, your upbringing or your
What if the reason you became bulimic is
actually very simple to explain?
Today I’m going to challenge everything you
thought you knew about bulimia by revealing the
number one reason people develop bulimia.
It might be hard to accept at first, but this
knowledge could change your life!
It's time to start embracing the facts: Read below.....
Why do you have bulimia?
Is it a mental Illness?
Is it genetic?
Is it a result of how you were brought up or maybe something to do with having low self-esteem?
What if it was none of those reasons?
What if it was actually something very simple indeed?
What if it you were simply malnourished?
This can sound a bit crazy considering bulimics tend to eat a LOT of food. But it's true.
As a bulimic you purge either through fasting, excessive exercise, laxatives, or vomiting which is certain to ensure that your body remains malnourished.
In this state, the hormones leptin and ghrelin (associated with fullness and hunger) are not functioning properly due to starvation. The resulting "strive to survive" makes you want to binge... which shouldn't really come as a surprise.
When you are hungry, you experience gentle hunger pangs, and when you are excessively hungry and malnourished you experience MASSIVE hunger pangs or urges to binge. This is quite natural. There is nothing strange about it. Your body thinks that you are in the middle of a famine and it is doing everything it can to ensure you are eating enough food.
And there is more...
Whenever you restrict your food intake you suffer from a host of mental side effects too. Large-scale studies from reputable Universities such as Harvard and Oxford have noted that people on diets can significantly deplete their serotonin levels within three weeks of dieting.
Regardless of your life circumstances or accomplishments, when your serotonin levels drop so do your feelings of self-esteem. As the brain continues to be starved it deteriorates further and becomes even more self-critical.
This leads to outbreaks of unpleasant psychological problems such as obsessive and compulsive behavior, depression, anxiety, cravings, general moodiness and poor motivation. Restrictive eating (i.e. bingeing and purging on food) has caused: Your brain chemistry to change. The way you think to change. Your personality to become altered.
Simply put... food restriction makes you miserable.
Here are a few more interesting facts about food restriction.
Dieting is a primary trigger of the downward spiral into an eating disorder (Thompson & Sherman, 1993).
Severe dieters have already begun the process to an eating disorder (BMJ 1999;318:765-768, 20 March).
Girls who severely dieted were 18 times more likely to develop an eating disorder within 6 months than those who did not diet (BMJ 1999; 318:765-768, 20 March).
It doesn't even have to be a severe diet - 2/3 of new cases of an eating disorder came from those who dieted moderately (BMJ 1999; 318:765-768, 20 March).
This leads us to the simple conclusion that:
Food restriction or dieting is the number one cause of eating disorders.
This is not my interpretation.
This is not a best guess.
It's a clean and simple fact.
Dieting causes bulimia.
And the important things to keep in mind are:
This has NOTHING to do with the way your brain works.
It has NOTHING to do with your personality, your history or your self-esteem.
These things don't matter.
If you restrict your food intake you are susceptible to becoming bulimic.
If the healthiest happiest person on the planet restricted their food intake they would make themselves susceptible to becoming bulimic.
Chances are, if you had never restricted your food intake, you would never have felt compelled to binge on food and you would never have purged.
It's REALLY that simple.
The best news ever...
The most likely reason you have bulimia is because in the past you restricted your food intake and this triggered an extremely powerful biological survival mechanism resulting in an insatiable appetite, uncontrollable hunger, strong feelings of obsession, low self-worth, mood swings, depression and anxiety.
For many this can be the best news ever.
Chances are you are NOT "mad" and you are NOT "crazy." Bulimia is not your fault and it is not your parents fault.
You are just very hungry!
And it gets better...
By learning how to eat normally, every single side-effect of bulimia can be reversed.
By learning how to eat normally you can go on to make a FULL lifelong recovery.
Bulimia Help Method
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