Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Supplications to Cure Eating Disorder

According to Prophet Muhammad (s) Du`a is the weapon of the believer, and the pillar of faith, and the light of the heavens and the earth.  Dua/prayer  is a simple act of asking Allah for whatever problem we have, whatever difficulty we find ourselves in. It is the most powerful weapon to ward off the pain that plagues us.

And when my servants ask you concerning Me, then surely I am very near; I answer the supplicant when he calls upon Me, so they should answer My call and believe in Me, that they may walk the right way. (2:186)

It is the very fundamental of Islamic teaching  that there is a cure for every illness except death. Allah cures His servants by either clear, apparent reasons such as medication or by other not so apparent reasons that even the human intellect cannot comprehend.

Allah said:

And When Allah wills that you are inflicted with harm there is no one to remove it but Him. (Surah al-An’aam:17)

Prophet Muhammad (saaw) said: “Allah did not send down any ailment sending sent down with it its cure.” (Bukharee).

At times we are powerless to deal with trials and tribulations of life. Eating Disorders are a mental illness and some disorders such as anorexia and bulimia cannot be cured with a simple pill .  Indeed it is up to us to find the cure  and all we have to do is ask Allah and Inshallah soon our prayers will be answered because God loves nothing better than that His servants ask from Him. Imam al-Baqir (a)

  • Supplicate, for there is nothing like Dua to get you closer to Allah, and do not leave out your minor needs, for the One who is the Master of the major needs is also the Master of the minor ones. Imam as-Sadiq (a)

Indeed Allah is the Curer

"And WE send down in the Qur’an that which is a cure for the Muslims, and a mercy - and it increases only ruin for the unjust." [Surah Bani Israel 17:82]

For the Cure Of Any Illness

Ayesha (R.A.) stated that when anyone among them had an illness, Prophet Mohammad (SAW.) used to rub the area of the pain reciting the following dua:

أَذْهِبِ الْبَأْسَ رَبَّ النَّاسِ وَاشْفِ أَنْتَ الشَّافِي لَا شِفَاءَ إِلَّا شِفَاؤُكَ شِفَاءٌ لَا يُغَادِرُ سَقَمَاً

"O Lord of the people, remove this pain and cure it, You are the one who cures and there is no one besides You who can cure, grant such a cure that no illness remains".

"Ayesha (R.A.) stated that when Prophet Mohammad (SAW.) was ill, he used to recite the four Quls, blow on his hands and pass them over on the back and front.

To heal your illness, follow in the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad (saaw). Recite these Four Quls everyday .

He also recited these surahs, blew on his hands and passed them over his body during his fatal illness".

(Bukhari, Muslim)

This Tasbeeh recitation of name of Allah was specifically prescribed to me by Sheikh Hamid Hassan to beat Anorexia Nervosa.

Recite 160 times the following:

Translation: O Giver of Peace!

Transliteration: Yaa Salaamu

After reciting the tasbeeh blow on your hands and pass it all over your head, face, and body. Alhamdulilah Shifa is with Allah (swt).

Six Quranic Verses of Healing:  Ayat Ash-Shifa

وَيَشْفِ صُدُورَ قَوْمٍ مُّؤْمِنِينَ

wa yashfi sudoora qawmin mumineena
And [God] shall heal the breast of the believers. (at-Tawba, 9:14)

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ قَدْ جَاءتْكُم مَّوْعِظَةٌ مِّن رَّبِّكُمْ وَشِفَاء لِّمَا فِي الصُّدُورِ وَهُدًى وَرَحْمَةٌ لِّلْمُؤْمِنِينَ

Yaa ayyuha an-naasu qad ja’atkum maw`izhatun min rabbikum wa shifaun limaa fee as-sudoori wa hudan wa rahmatun lil-mumineen
Mankind there has come to you a guidance from your Lord and a healing for (the diseases) in your hearts, and for those who believe a guidance and a mercy. (Yunus, 10:57)

َيخْرُجُ مِن بُطُونِهَا شَرَابٌ مُّخْتَلِفٌ أَلْوَانُهُ فِيهِ شِفَاء لِلنَّاسِ

yakhruju min butooniha sharaabun mukhtalifun alwaanuhu feehi shifaun lin-naas
There issues from within the bodies of the bee a drink of varying colors wherein is healing for mankind. (an-Nahl, 16:69)

وَنُنَزِّلُ مِنَ الْقُرْآنِ مَا هُوَ شِفَاء وَرَحْمَةٌ لِّلْمُؤْمِنِينَ

Wa nunazzilu mina al-qurani ma huwa shifaun wa rahmatun lil-mumineen
And We sent down in the Quran such things that have healing and mercy for the believers (an-Najm, 17:82)

وَإِذَا مَرِضْتُ فَهُوَ يَشْفِينِ

Wa idha maridtu fahuwa yashfeeni
And when I am ill, it is [God] who cures me.” (ash-Shu`ara, 26:80) (A supplication of Prophet Abraham [as])

قُلْ هُوَ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا هُدًى وَشِفَاء

qul huwa lil-ladheena amanoo hudan wa shifaun
And declare (O Muhammad) that [the Quran] is a guidance and healing for the believers. (al-Fussilat, 41:44)

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa Teeth Fix

Anorexia Bulimia Nervosa has a destructive impact on your teeth and dental health and often causes irreversible damage to your teeth.

Some of the very common dental problems that arise from Anorexia Bulimia Nervosa are:

  • Bad breath

  • Tooth discoloration

  • Inflammation of the salivary gland openings on the roof of the mouth

  • Increased build up of plague and tartar

  • Increased loss of bone within the jaw

  • development of gum disease, a leading cause of tooth loss

  • Delayed healing process following tooth extraction, periodontal treatment, or oral surgery

  • Lower success rate of dental implant procedure

As a result of Anorexia Nervosa, I developed severe cavities, gum infection, and lost most of enamel in my teeth.   In eating disorder one often develops addictions and I had a severe addiction to hard boiled candies, sour candies and energy drinks. I loved ordering variety of candies from US of A., and it was those tangy acids that created deep craters in my tooth enamel. Few months back, I had to get all my wisdom teeth extracted and now have to consider the option of porcelain veneers for some of my teeth.

Our body is unique and I find it astounding how food is a primary aid in healing. If your teeth are not clinically dead and the nerve is still intact then good news is that you can regrow your tooth enamel. Key to recovery of your oral health comprises of combining teeth friendly food in your diet and eliminating hazardous foods from one's diet. I have to completely change my diet. I believe these small changes will prove beneficial in restoration/regrowth of  my tooth enamel.

Its a difficult process, but something that can be achieved overtime.

Supplements  for Teeth: Vitamin D, Vitamins C and K2. They all  encourage re-mineralization of teeth. Additionally, black walnut tincture is said to help repair dental enamel.

Vitamin C- I use this one.

and Vitamin K2

Restore your Oral Health with Oil Pulling

What is Oil Pulling and How Does it Work?

Oil Pulling has been used for thousands of years as an Indian folk remedy. There are thousands of different types of bacteria in the mouth. Some of them are friendly, others are not.

Certain bacteria can cause harm, such as Streptococcus Mutans, which is the main culprit behind plaque buildup, gingivitis and cavities.

The bacteria in the mouth create a “biofilm” on the teeth – a thin layer that they use to adhere to the surface. This is what we know as “plaque.”

Having some plaque on your teeth is normal, but if it gets out of hand it can cause all sorts of problems.


Its simple and involves putting about a tablespoon of oil  in your mouth, then swishing it around your teeth for 10-20 minutes. I use Coconut oil, Almond Oil and sometimes Mustard Oil.

When you swish the oil around your mouth, the bacteria “get stuck” in it and dissolve in the liquid oil.

Basically, you remove a large amount of the bacteria and plaque in your mouth each time you do this.

Source: http://authoritynutrition.com/oil-pulling-coconut-oil/

It has worked wonders for me. Hmmm now I'm hoping that my next visit to dentist will be a positive one and he'll be happy with my healthier gums... 

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Eating Disorder Affirmations

Be like a postage stamp. Stick to one thing until you get there.

Though no one can go back and make a new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new end.

Never give up for that is just the time and place the tide will turn.


Food does not possess qualities such as good and bad, but it can be healthy or unhealthy for you.

Food is neither friend, nor foe.

Food does not take care of me. I and other people take care of me. Food takes care of my hunger.

Food is fuel and, often pleasurable

I CAN be comfortable with food without being in tight control

I know when I've had enough food and feel pleasantly satisfied

It's fine to eat foods that are empty of nutrients if that's what my body craves and if I balance them out most of the time.

I can eat and enjoy high-calorie foods occasionally

Food can only solve the problem of hunger and/or craving

I'm learning and practicing being satisfied with food

I trust my body to feed me in such a way that I remain at a natural, comfortable weight

Karen Koeing

I am good to my body, my body is good to me.
My body does not define me
I am a worthwhile person
Recovery is a worthwhile process
I am worth recovery
I will not define myself by a number
I will not define myself by my past
Life is more than number
I am more than my eating disorder
I will feel, heal and deal
I deserve clothes that fit me
The mirror is not a reflection of my worth
I deserve a life without my eating disorder
Food is not the enemy
I deserve to fulfill my dreams
The past is not the present
It is ok to cry.
It is safe to look within.
I can sit in the present and be okay with it.
Today I will make peace with who I am and where I am at this moment in time.
I will not feel bad for looking like a woman.
It is okay to be full/satisfied.
Fat is not a feeling.
As I move through the layers of other people’s opinions and beliefs, I see within myself a
magnificent being, wise and beautiful. I love what I see in me.
I am a survivor.
I will not compare myself to others.
I have a voice and deserve to be heard.
I am willing to give up control.
I choose to be free from obsessing over food and weight.
I never stop believing in myself.
I only need my own acceptance.
I will never stop trying.
I will never please everyone and that is okay.
I can make mistakes.
I am my own best supporter.
I can release the burden of thinking i have to be someone other than me.
I know I can only rescue myself.
I can do whatever i set my mind to.
I can eat without shame.
I am meant to be different from everybody else.
I give myself credit for being me.
I deserve to nurture myself.
I let go of any rigid expectations i have of myself.
I pay attention to what i know is right for me.
I speak to myself in a loving manner.
I deserve to treat my body with respect.
I take one thing at a time.
I can love my body the way it is.
I have the right to laugh and be healthy.
I do not need to hide or be ashamed of my body.
I love and appreciate myself.
I have the courage to care for my body.
I trust my life is unfolding in the right way.
I am willing to love myself.
I love myself.
I see myself through loving and accepting eyes.
I have the courage to live in the moment.
I am one of nature's/gods masterpieces.
Today i am glad to be me.
I empower myself by accepting risks as a part of my life
I can have a positive attitude
I accept myself just now as i am
I do not have to earn love.
I accept my uniqueness.
There is no competition and no comparison, for we are all different and meant to be that way.
I can simply be me.
I accept forgiveness from myself.
As I forgive myself, I leave behind all feelings of not being good enough, and I am free to love myself.
I have the power to be who i want to be.
I love and trust my body.
Everyday I become stronger and healthier.
I am proud of myself for all that i have accomplished, no matter how great or small.
It is okay to be imperfect because no one is perfect.
My imperfections make me who I am.

There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophies.

-- Friedrich Nietzsche


Thursday, 18 April 2013

Bulimia as Weight Loss Method- Does it Really Work?

An interesting article by Karen Phillips. www.mom-please-help.com

Many bulimics think they invented it and keep it secret for a long time because it feels shameful to admit about throwing up food.

Bulimia as a weight loss strategy is common and affects about 4%-6% of women. The numbers could even be higher because the condition is very secretive and not all bulimics admit they have a problem.

So, throwing up food can help initially to lose some weight. But what happens next? Is using bulimia as a weight loss strategy really helpful for the long term?

Let's take a look at how bulimia can start.

Initially people just go on a diet which progresses to a stricter diet
and even a period of starvation. During this period they experience enormous hunger and cravings for certain foods (especially ones full of sugar and fatty foods).

They start dreaming about food and it takes more and more effort to keep control over their mind and body in stopping themselves from eating. So finally they start eating but no longer do they have a normal sense of satisfaction while they eat. The body is saying:"It is famine, eat while food is available". And it is how the binging cycle begins.

They eat until they are so full that they can't keep all the food down. They must purge it all up. And after vomiting the body is starving again.People experience cravings for sweets, chocolate, chips, biscuits and other snacks which are high in calories.

Bulimics then develop habits of snacking but at the same time avoid normal meals. As a result by eating snacks they consume more calories than they would have consumed by eating normal meals.

Plus the vomiting makes them constantly hungry even after eating some food. So instead of eating and feeling satisfying from normal servings, they consume much more food than they would under normal circumstances.

To conclude, bulimia weight loss is not a good option for controlling your weight. Vomiting induce constant hunger which will make your body want to compensate itself by eating sweets, biscuits, chips and etc.

So in the long term your body weight can increase because of the constant snacking of high calories foods. Moreover you will develop a deadlyaddiction called bulimia nervosa that affects your body, mind and spirit and turns you into a slave of food.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Emotional Eating and Loving Food

Link Courtesy of Polly Mertens- Emotional Eating and Loving Food

An exclusive virtual event with world-class experts who help you Free Yourself from Emotional Eating & Enjoy Food Again.

Join these 12 Emotional Eating Experts for FREE as they share their Unique Approaches to help you understand YOUR Emotional Eating


Tricia Greaves Nelson

Tricia tells us her #1 binge buster, how to address emotions that cause cravings, and how to be happy no matter what.


Cecily MacArthur

Cecily talks about how forgiving (but not condoning) is a gift to yourself that helps you feel healthy, self-loving, and free from emotional eating.


Andrea Amador

Andrea shares several short energy "tapping" exercises to inspire women to feel good about themselves and their bodies exactly as they are in the moment.


Jeneth Blackert

Jeneth will take you through an energetic process of oneness and how to clear away some of the blocks to true being.


Robin Nielsen

Robin will share why it's important to get up close and personal with specifically two major hormones and some yummy, delicious food to kick emotional eating.


Meryl Beck

Meryl Hershey Beck demonstrates RITT (Rapidly Integrated Transformation Technique), a revolutionary treatment method to stop cravings and reduce stress.


Dr. Anna Cabeca

Dr. Anna Cabeca talks about nourishing our love tank to decrease other cravings and stay fueled and balanced. Get ready to fill your tanks!


Trudy Scott

Trudy talks about how eating real whole food and using some pretty amazing nutrients can balance brain chemistry and end emotional eating, with zero willpower required and no feelings of being deprived!


Gillian Hood-Gabrielson

Gillian talks about how to break out of diet prison and be free from the guilt, stress and restriction that dieting and the diet mentality brings.


Dr. Melissa McCreery

Dr. Melissa shares how the "three Os" - Overwhelm, Overload, and Overeating can form a vicious cycle for smart, busy women, and what you need to know to break free and get on with living your best version of your life.


Jennifer Barley

Jennifer Barley, The KickStart Coach®, shares with us how to remove the biggest obstacle from reaching our goals -- ourselves -- and to understand our self-sabatoging patterns.


Connie Bennett

Connie Bennett, who’s acclaimed as The Sugar Liberator™, gently guides, coaches, and leads sugar and carb junkies to easily, joyfully release their dangerous food addiction so they’ll boost their energy, focus better, and even rev up their libido.

Sign up Today for Free at: http://www.lovingfoodlovinglife.com/

Saturday, 13 April 2013

To my Fellow Pakistanis- Does Jahoar Chakootra aka a Magical Weight Loss Drink really Works?



I have been putting off this post for months now. Today due to terrible British weather, torrential downpours and a splitting migraine, result of bad bad weather, I am in desperate mood to vent my spleen at someone or something. The target of my anger is Johar Chakotra, a magical weight loss drink, sold across Pakistan in Homeopethic stores and medical and health stores. 

Please note: I do not want to affront anyone with my comments.

I've noticed through my blog that so many people from Pakistan are using search engines to discover whether Johar Chakotra is a magical weight loss drink or not. The search engines has led them to my site. We all know that loosing weight can be an important issue for the majority of people at some point in their lives. I am not an expert on weight loss, but I have rubbed shoulders with Johar Chakotra. And in my opinion, no this is not a weight loss drink.

My Personal Experience

I fell into a trap of using this magical drink when my anorexia nervosa was at its peak. The advertising company painstakingly points out the numerous benefits of consuming this magical drink, i.e. weight loss, slimmer waist, clear skin, lower cholesterol and God knows what else. Though the marketing gurus cannot stop gushing about the 100% natural ingredients, but one should bear in mind that  products that are natural are not 100% safe. On average you have to consume three bottles a week for a prolonged period of time, till you've achieved your desired weight loss goal.  In order to shed those extra kilos, you have to avoid red meat, rice, and.... I cannot remember rest of the list.

What Johar Chakotra does to your body

Johar Chakotra gives you frequent bowel movements, thus giving you a false sense of body cleansing. For a few hours, a person may be lighter due to fluid loss but it does nothing to help you lose fat. It may cause toxins to come out of body but It also places your health at danger.

Side Effects from Magical Drink

After I used Jorhar Chakotra (I'm kicking myself mentally for being such an asinine loser at that time).

I always felt nauseous.

My skin turned a horrid shade of yellow.

My potassium levels were severely depleted.

I do not event to talk about horrible stomach cramps.

My hair started to fall out in chunks.

My skin became extra dry and flaky.

I had a chronic constipation and I was passing out right left right.

I was dehydrated and lacked energy.

Aside from the bad effects on health, I ran out of my rupees and had to run around Islamabad on my anorexic limbs to find a  reliable money exchange company, so I could exchange my GBP for PKR. Oh, and not to forget how my mother discovered the receipt for these magical drinks in the trash can and in a pure Eastern manner had to confide in my father about my new weight loss adventure (sniff sniff). I was so clever at hiding those empty bottles, but I guess my parents are more cleverer than me. Everyday a dustbin man would come into our neighborhood to collect rubbish. I would be the first in my street to run out and greet him with those empty bottles. Then I would dash back inside and thank God that I managed to escape my Mother and Grandmother's eagle eye watch.

The final nail in my anorexic coffin was, when I returned to UK, and my GP subjected me to a full blood test. The results showed that my kidneys were failing and that lecture by my GP in her stern voice over the use of 3rd market products still haunts my living nights and days.


Please consult a dietitian or a professional before you make a decision to use any weight loss products. I cannot stress enough how imperative that is for your well-being. Do seek medical attention if after using Johar Chakotra you experience diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and other bowel problems in order to prevent more serious complications. Learn from me...

Friday, 12 April 2013

“Living The Truth” Release the past. Live the present. Create the future.

“Living The Truth”

(Please click the above link to download your free audio)

Release the past. Live the present. Create the future.

I met Sidra in England, when my journey towards Anorexia Nervosa was in its initial stages. (I doubt it very much that she remembers me, but I was the person, who'll be sitting in her workshop with a plate full of untouched food. That plate will remain on my lap for the duration of her workshop). I was suffering from low self esteem, low self confidence and well low self worth. Her workshop was so powerful (No, I didn't end up eating all that food on the plate, only threats of getting sectioned and being forced fed through feeding tube achieved that) that I managed to conquer my fear of speaking out in public and for the first time in my life, I was able to express my opinion in public, in room full of people in open debate sessions. In Islamabad, I used to read and reread some oh her powerful affirmations everyday to defeat my disorder.

Sidra is a gifted international speaker having worked across 3 continents with thousands of people as an intuitive facilitator. She specialises in translating messages from the body triggered by life events and limiting beliefs that can manifest pain, trauma and emotional turmoil.

Sidra had a traumatic marriage and troubled relations with her in-laws. It was through the power of mind, educating herself and defying certain barriers that she managed to turn her situation around to salvage her married life and become a mentor for so many out there. I've never come across a Pakistani woman so full of hope and positive energy. So much like Louise  L Haye.

Please enjoy the audio. Its brilliant. In this download, Sidra takes you through a process of Activating your own truth. A very powerful Audio that can be used as any time.

Wishing you all a happy weekend full of health and vitality:)

Monday, 8 April 2013

How I Recovered From My Eating Disorder


This is a great Video- Emily suffered from Bulimia Nervosa and Binge eating disorder. In this video she explains how she recovered from her eating disorder through her will power and sheer determination.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

How to beat Eating Disorders with Neuroplasticity.


This program has a high success rate, though I haven't tried this, but I've read the book and it challenges your perceptions and beliefs.

Eating Disorder Success Story


Forwarded by Karen from www.mom-please-help.com: This is a very special article, it was written by an ex-sufferer whohas used Dr Irina's program with great success. It is her thoughts on how she felt and what she found was her key to success.


From Andra.

Off the top of my head, I would say that I strongly identify with the
ED as the only thing I could do well. Everything else was too hard
and resulted in failure. Not binging and purging is impossible.
"One more time" was my albatross; and one I could not logically move beyond. I found this the hardness thing to conquer.

So I started making notes on what may be helpful in your program to
me and I think to others also.

Here are some very brief thoughts- that I found helped me:

An encouraging/supportive coach is essential - (You have been my lifeline in this process Irina and William I don't know where I would be without your unbelievable understanding, encouragement and wealth of information. So please take advantage of the also.

I found that if I write every feeling down - positive and negative - keep a log or diary on these as it has been so helpful to re-read our correspondence from time to time, as I could see I really was making progress!!! Very important that you think you are winning.

I also found if I broke the recovery process into tiny, baby steps it helped. If you identify one tiny, mini goal or thought, you can master it and move on and feel good instead of procrastinating. I found following the program step by step really helped.The problem I had before was to jump from one thing to another thing and it did not work. But once I started to do the baby steps it all fell into place.

I found to write and post my personal goals/mantras on sticky notes and place everywhere, keep these very brief and repeat whenever you can - e.g. while I skip in my workout, I repeat over and over again. Things like I am free from my disorder, I eat normally and don't want to purge etc.

When I get negative feelings and thoughts I use the BAM technique on them and one of the mantras that works for you - i.e. "Only one decision away". learn to differentiate what is truly important and what can be dealt with at another time, each morning you wake up and make a conscious decision on how this day will be, discipline yourself to think happy thoughts, like, food = nourishment = fuel,it is ok to eat and enjoy it as I am not on a diet... I don't have to binge or purge anymore as food is only food not an escape for my feelings.

Understand that recovery is not overnight and to be ok with this in your own mind as long as you are having some tiny successes it will work for you.

Recognize personal mini successes, like not binging or not purging for a couple of days - jump up and down and be excited when this happens!!! Also find someone you can ask for help because you do need to share with someone. But don't ask someone who will offer advice unless it is Dr Irina or William because they will not know. Find someone who will listen to your thoughts and encourage you without making judgments. You can ask a friend and tell them you just want to talk about your feelings and could they reframe from commenting on anything you say to them.

If you do these things then you will have success, because I did. And I can tell you honestly that being free of the ED is the most wonderful feeling you can have. I am really jumping for joy and if you are still suffering please just get Dr Irina's and Williams program and you will be free and feeling wonderful like me. I have my life back and it is an amazing feeling.

Thanks for reading Andra from Canada.

Monday, 1 April 2013

Intuitive Super Smoothie Creation


I absolutely love Nina. Her journey to recovery was full of hurdles, but she did it and works as a life coach now. her motto is intuitive eating. Watch this video for a super smoothie.