Sunday, 7 April 2013

Eating Disorder Success Story


Forwarded by Karen from This is a very special article, it was written by an ex-sufferer whohas used Dr Irina's program with great success. It is her thoughts on how she felt and what she found was her key to success.


From Andra.

Off the top of my head, I would say that I strongly identify with the
ED as the only thing I could do well. Everything else was too hard
and resulted in failure. Not binging and purging is impossible.
"One more time" was my albatross; and one I could not logically move beyond. I found this the hardness thing to conquer.

So I started making notes on what may be helpful in your program to
me and I think to others also.

Here are some very brief thoughts- that I found helped me:

An encouraging/supportive coach is essential - (You have been my lifeline in this process Irina and William I don't know where I would be without your unbelievable understanding, encouragement and wealth of information. So please take advantage of the also.

I found that if I write every feeling down - positive and negative - keep a log or diary on these as it has been so helpful to re-read our correspondence from time to time, as I could see I really was making progress!!! Very important that you think you are winning.

I also found if I broke the recovery process into tiny, baby steps it helped. If you identify one tiny, mini goal or thought, you can master it and move on and feel good instead of procrastinating. I found following the program step by step really helped.The problem I had before was to jump from one thing to another thing and it did not work. But once I started to do the baby steps it all fell into place.

I found to write and post my personal goals/mantras on sticky notes and place everywhere, keep these very brief and repeat whenever you can - e.g. while I skip in my workout, I repeat over and over again. Things like I am free from my disorder, I eat normally and don't want to purge etc.

When I get negative feelings and thoughts I use the BAM technique on them and one of the mantras that works for you - i.e. "Only one decision away". learn to differentiate what is truly important and what can be dealt with at another time, each morning you wake up and make a conscious decision on how this day will be, discipline yourself to think happy thoughts, like, food = nourishment = fuel,it is ok to eat and enjoy it as I am not on a diet... I don't have to binge or purge anymore as food is only food not an escape for my feelings.

Understand that recovery is not overnight and to be ok with this in your own mind as long as you are having some tiny successes it will work for you.

Recognize personal mini successes, like not binging or not purging for a couple of days - jump up and down and be excited when this happens!!! Also find someone you can ask for help because you do need to share with someone. But don't ask someone who will offer advice unless it is Dr Irina or William because they will not know. Find someone who will listen to your thoughts and encourage you without making judgments. You can ask a friend and tell them you just want to talk about your feelings and could they reframe from commenting on anything you say to them.

If you do these things then you will have success, because I did. And I can tell you honestly that being free of the ED is the most wonderful feeling you can have. I am really jumping for joy and if you are still suffering please just get Dr Irina's and Williams program and you will be free and feeling wonderful like me. I have my life back and it is an amazing feeling.

Thanks for reading Andra from Canada.

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