Anorexia Bulimia Nervosa has a destructive impact on your teeth and dental health and often causes irreversible damage to your teeth.
Some of the very common dental problems that arise from Anorexia Bulimia Nervosa are:
- Bad breath
- Tooth discoloration
- Inflammation of the salivary gland openings on the roof of the mouth
- Increased build up of plague and tartar
- Increased loss of bone within the jaw
- development of gum disease, a leading cause of tooth loss
- Delayed healing process following tooth extraction, periodontal treatment, or oral surgery
- Lower success rate of dental implant procedure
As a result of Anorexia Nervosa, I developed severe cavities, gum infection, and lost most of enamel in my teeth. In eating disorder one often develops addictions and I had a severe addiction to hard boiled candies, sour candies and energy drinks. I loved ordering variety of candies from US of A., and it was those tangy acids that created deep craters in my tooth enamel. Few months back, I had to get all my wisdom teeth extracted and now have to consider the option of porcelain veneers for some of my teeth.
Our body is unique and I find it astounding how food is a primary aid in healing. If your teeth are not clinically dead and the nerve is still intact then good news is that you can regrow your tooth enamel. Key to recovery of your oral health comprises of combining teeth friendly food in your diet and eliminating hazardous foods from one's diet. I have to completely change my diet. I believe these small changes will prove beneficial in restoration/regrowth of my tooth enamel.
Its a difficult process, but something that can be achieved overtime.
Supplements for Teeth: Vitamin D, Vitamins C and K2. They all encourage re-mineralization of teeth. Additionally, black walnut tincture is said to help repair dental enamel.
Vitamin C- I use this one.
and Vitamin K2
Restore your Oral Health with Oil Pulling
What is Oil Pulling and How Does it Work?
Oil Pulling has been used for thousands of years as an Indian folk remedy. There are thousands of different types of bacteria in the mouth. Some of them are friendly, others are not.
Certain bacteria can cause harm, such as Streptococcus Mutans, which is the main culprit behind plaque buildup, gingivitis and cavities.
The bacteria in the mouth create a “biofilm” on the teeth – a thin layer that they use to adhere to the surface. This is what we know as “plaque.”
Having some plaque on your teeth is normal, but if it gets out of hand it can cause all sorts of problems.
Its simple and involves putting about a tablespoon of oil in your mouth, then swishing it around your teeth for 10-20 minutes. I use Coconut oil, Almond Oil and sometimes Mustard Oil.
When you swish the oil around your mouth, the bacteria “get stuck” in it and dissolve in the liquid oil.
Basically, you remove a large amount of the bacteria and plaque in your mouth each time you do this.
It has worked wonders for me. Hmmm now I'm hoping that my next visit to dentist will be a positive one and he'll be happy with my healthier gums...
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