Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Five Self Help Tips for Recovery

5 Self-Help Tips for Recovery from Bulimia

Jen Knaebel's picture

By: Jen Knaebel, a recovery coach here at Bulimia Help.

Here  are some effective self-help strategies by brilliant Richard Kerr from Bulimia Help that you can use to recover on your own.



In order to make a full recovery from bulimia, most people need some form of help. Some enter inpatient treatment, others see an outpatient therapist, and some find support online.

If you are unable to afford help or are afraid to talk with someone, there are some effective self-help strategies you can use to recover on your own.

1. Become as Educated as Possible.

The more you understand about recovery and why you are even suffering in the first place, the more empowered you are to overcome it. The internet is full of information about eating disorders, but it can be confusing with all the different perspectives. Do your research to find a program that you agree with.

2. Make a Self Help Recovery Plan.

Becoming motivated to stop binging and purging a great first step, but it isn't enough. Without a solid plan, you will probably not be successful.

There are many treatments available out there. Be sure that after you've done your research, you have found one you believe will work. Once you've got a plan, commit to it.

Helpful Hint: Break your plan down into small, achievable goals. Think of each meal as a milestone, and every day as an opportunity to recover. The ultimate goal will come only after accomplishing many smaller goals along the way!

3. Seek Support.

Self-help doesn't mean doing this all on your own. Recovery is a long and very challenging journey. You will need some support along the way. If you are uncomfortable confiding in friends of family, seek help online. There are many people who are also struggling, so there's no need to feel like the only person suffering with bulimia. Isolating yourself from others will only worsen your self-esteem and make recovery even more difficult.

Bulimia is a very isolating eating disorder that can cause the sufferer to hide secrets, avoid going out with friends and even stop dating or end a relationship. Be sure you aren't cutting yourself off from friends and family out of fear of being 'found out.'

Keeping people around can be very helpful even if they don't know you are struggling.

Many people with bulimia attempt to recover on their own first before seeking help. Some are able to successfully recover independently, but most need the support of a professional, a mentor, a loved one or all three. Keep in mind that recovering without someone to confide in will be extremely difficult.

4. Stay Focused.

After you have committed to your plan, it is crucial to stay focused each day. There are many ways to stay in the recovery mindset. Here are some examples:

  • Read recovery blogs and continue your research.

  • Write your own blogs. This can help inspire others too!

  • Keep a recovery journal. Writing out your emotions is a very healthy activity, plus it helps you track progress and watch out for trigger patterns.

  • Set daily reminders do write in your journal, read a recovery book or practice your favorite relaxation technique.

5. Practice Patience.

Most people need about a year to make a full recovery. If you feel that you aren't making progress quickly enough, try to focus on the positive changes you have made. Stop and think of how far you've come since beginning the recovery journey.

Slow and steady changes are necessary for you to heal your body and mind from the damage caused by years of binging and purging. If you truly feel that you are making no progress, you may need to change your strategy and try something else. You could try finding an accountability buddy, teaming up with a recovery coach or confiding in someone you trust.

Your plan doesn't have to be rigid- be willing to adjust if things aren't working. Be patient with yourself though, it is a long and challenging journey.

Many people hold onto their eating disorder for fear of what recovery will require. I can't stress enough that you do not have to enter a treatment facility in order to overcome bulimia. Self-help strategies are very effective when paired with the proper support. 

I now live a life free from bulimia, and you can too!

Don't wait any longer to stop binging and purging once and for all! The journey of recovery can start today.

You deserve to be happy and healthy.


Source: http://www.bulimiahelp.org/articles/self_help_recovery?utm_source=BulimiaHelp.org+Subscribers&utm_campaign=1f291702e6-10+Ways+to+Stop+Purging+After+Meals&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_065d6654bd-1f291702e6-221422601




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  1. […] Five Self Help Tips for Recovery (waragainsteatingdisorder.wordpress.com) […]
